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How to Make a Cake Statue in Minecraft TUTORIAL

The crafting guide is a complete listing of recipes in Minecraft. This guide tells y'all how to arts and crafts in Minecraft and includes everything from unproblematic tools and weapons to crafting circuitous mechanisms and transportation devices.

Crafting is how almost things are made in Minecraft. The 2×2 crafting grid is accessed in the inventory. The iii×3 crafting grid – where well-nigh items are crafted – can be accessed with a crafting tabular array.

Update – Important

The crafting guide has been moved to a whole new site. This crafting guide is 100% updated to the latest version of Minecraft, and will likewise be updated in the future.

Visit: for the latest recipes.

Recipes List

This is a consummate list of all crafting recipes in Minecraft. If yous observe whatever errors or missing recipes, don't hesitate to contact the states. Delight note that Saddle and Horse armor can't exist crafted at the moment.

Utilize the overview to quickly navigate to the unlike recipes.

List of crafting recipes

  • Bones Recipes
  • Manufactured Recipes
  • Tool Recipes
  • Weapon Recipes
  • Armor Recipes
  • Transportation Recipes
  • Mechanism Recipes
  • Food Recipes
  • Miscellaneous Recipes
  • Enchantment and Brewing Recipes
  • Dye Recipes
  • Wool Recipes

Basic Recipes


Manufactured Recipes

Name Input > Output Ingredients Description
Anvil Anvil Iron Blocks + Fe Ingots Used to combine enchantments and repair and rename items or blocks. Anvils are afflicted past gravity.
Beacon Beacon Drinking glass + Nether Star + Obsidian Emits a low-cal beam that tin can provide temporary player buffs, when placed on a pyramid made of diamond, emerald, gold or iron blocks. Can also be used as a landmark.
Block of Coal Block of Coal Coal The block of coal is a meaty way to store coal, and can be used for decoration and fuel.
Block of Quartz Block of Quartz Nether Quartz Blocks of Quartz are mineral blocks crafted from Nether Quartz that are used only for decoration.
Block of Redstone Block of Redstone Redstone Redstone blocks are compacted blocks can be used as a redstone power source.
Bookshelf Bookshelf Woods Planks + Books Used equally decoration or to give an Enchantment Table, a heave for better enchantments.
Brick Block Brick Block Bricks Decorative building textile.
Chiseled Quartz Cake Chiseled Quartz Block Quartz Slab Used as decorative building fabric.
Chiseled Sandstone Chiseled Sandstone Sandstone Slab Chiseled Sandstone is a decorative form of sandstone with a Creeper confront and various modest carvings on information technology.
Clay Block Clay Block Clay Clay blocks can exist used as building material or to store clay.
Glowstone Glowstone Glowstone Grit Glowstones emits more than light than a normal torch. It will melt nearby snow and ice. Breaking a glowstone cake, will give 2-4 Glowstone Dust back.
Hay Bale Hay Bale Wheat Used every bit decorative cake, or as nutrient for horses.
Jack-O-Lantern Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin + Torch Acts equally a torch, merely emits more low-cal. Can stay lit underwater and melts nearby snow.
Under Brick Nether Brick Nether Bricks (items) Nether bricks are blocks institute only in the The Nether. They are allowed to Ghast fireballs.
Colonnade Quartz Block Pillar Quartz Block Block of Quartz Used as decorative building fabric.
Sandstone Sandstone Sand Used as a building cloth. Sandstone is not influenced past gravity like normal Sand.
Smooth Sandstone Smooth Sandstone Sandstone Shine Sandstone is a decorative form of sandstone with a smoother texture.
Snow Block Snow Block Snowballs Used as edifice material, decoration and storing snowballs. Snowfall blocks are harder to be destroyed than normal snow and are impervious to torches and h2o.
Stained Clay Stained Clay Hardened Clay + Dye Stained hardened dirt are colored variations of hardened clay. They are available in the same colors as dyed wool. Hardened Clay is a smelting recipe.
Rock Brick Stone Brick Stone Used as edifice material. There is various versions of rock bricks, eg. chiseled rock brick which tin can only be institute in jungle temples.
Stone Slabs Stone Slabs Stone, Sandstone, Cobblestone, Bricks, Stone Brick, Under Brick or Block of Quartz Used for making stairs. Two slabs placed on top of each other, will create a normal sized double slab cake.
Stone Stairs Stone Stairs Stone, Sandstone, Asphalt, Bricks, Stone Brick, Nether Brick or Block of Quartz Easily make staircases with stairs. They are a more compact alternative to slabs, allowing a greater peak modify in a shorter horizontal distance.
TNT TNT Gunpowder + Sand When activated, TNT creates an explosion that damages nearby block and creatures.
Wood Slabs Wood Slabs Wood Planks Used for making stairs. Two slabs placed on top of each other, will create a normal sized double slab block.
Woods Stairs Wood Stairs Wood Planks Easily make staircases with stairs. They are a more compact alternative to slabs, assuasive a greater meridian modify in a shorter horizontal distance.

Tool Recipes

Name Input > Output Ingredients Description
Axes Axes Sticks + Wood Planks or Asphalt or Atomic number 26 Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Used to chop wood and pumpkins, faster than by hand.
Bucket Bucket Iron Ingots Used to carry water, lava or milk. H2o and lava can be gathered from water or lava blocks, that are not running. Milk can be obtained past clicking on a cow with the bucket.
Carrot on a Stick Carrot on a Stick Fishing Rod + Carrot Used while riding pigs to control them. The direction the carrot dangles is the direction the squealer will go. The grunter will run faster if the actor right clicks while belongings the stick.
Clock Clock Gold Ingots + Compass Clocks are items that display the current in-game fourth dimension. It is washed by displaying the sunday and the moon\'s position, relative to the horizon.
Compass Compass Fe Ingots + Redstone Dust The compass will ever indicate to your original spawn point. Can\'t be used in The Nether or in The End.
Line-fishing Rod Fishing Rod Sticks + Strings Used to catch fish. You can also utilize them to grab movable objects and drag them towards yourself. Rods accept 33 uses (durability).
Flint and Steel Flint and Steel Iron Ingot + Flintstone Used to create burn down. Can set blocks or creatures on burn.
Hoes Hoes Sticks + Wood Planks or Asphalt or Fe Ingots or Aureate Ingots or Diamonds Used to till dirt and grass into farmland for crops. At that place is a chance that seeds will drop, when yous till grass blocks.
Map Map Newspaper + Compass The Map is used to view explored terrain. While a map is being held in the thespian\'due south hand, it will gradually be fatigued every bit the role player explores the world.
Pickaxes Pickaxes Sticks + Wood Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gilt Ingots or Diamonds Used to mine ore and blocks. Only Fe and Diamond Pickaxes can mine all ores and blocks. Diamond is the strongest pickaxe.
Shears Shears Iron Ingots Tools used to obtain wool from sheeps, leaves from trees, Ruddy Mushrooms from Mushrooms or to get string from cobwebs.
Shovels Shovels Sticks + Wood Planks or Cobblestone or Fe Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Used to effectively dig sand, dirt, gravel, snow and clay. Required to dig snowballs.

Weapon Recipes


Armor Recipes


Transportation Recipes


Machinery Recipes

Name Input > Output Ingredients Description
Daylight Sensor Daylight Sensor Drinking glass + Nether Quartz + Wood Slabs Sends out a redstone signal during sunlight. The signal strenght depends on the sunlight intensity.
Dispenser Dispenser Cobblestone + Redstone + Bow Dispensers can store 9 stacks of items or blocks in a 3x3 filigree. When powered by a Redstone charge, it ejects the items in random social club. Snowballs, eggs, fireworks and arrows are fired out as projectiles.
Doors Doors Wood Planks or Iron Ingots Wooden Doors can be activated by right-clicking on them or past an electrical redstone signal. Iron Doors on the other hand, can only be activated by an electric redstone bespeak.
Dropper Dropper Cobblestone + Redstone Block that drops an particular from it\'south inventory as an entity (as if it were dropped by the actor)each time it is powered. If there is a block with an inventory immediately in front end of the dropper when it is powered, it will instead store the item within th
Hopper Hopper Atomic number 26 Ingots + Chest Moves items in and out of chests, dispensers and other blocks that can hold items.
Jukebox Jukebox Wood Planks + Diamond Used to play music discs. Right-click the jukebox with a music disc selected to play it.
Lever Lever Cobblestone + Stick Sends an electrical signal when switched to the "on" position. Stays in its current state, unless information technology is clicked once more.
Note Block Note Block Wood Planks + Redstone Plays a notation when used or powered by redstone. Right click it to change the pitch of the note. A unlike instrument is played depending on the type of block it is placed on.
Piston Piston Wood Planks + Cobblestone + Iron Ingot + Redstone Pushes blocks or entities i infinite forward. Can likewise motion players and mobs. Activated by redstone circuits.
Pressure Plates Pressure Plates Stone or Wood Planks Triggers an electrical charge, when a player or mob walks on information technology. Wood Pressure level Plates are too activated when something is dropped on them.
Redstone Comparator Redstone Comparator Redstone Torches + Nether Quartz + Stone Function similar to redstone repeaters. However, instead of i signal, the comparator receives 2 signals.
Redstone Lamp Redstone Lamp Redstone + Glowstone Emits a light when powered by redstone.
Redstone Repeater Redstone Repeater Stone + Redstone + Redstone Torch Redstone Repeaters can extend the current of a redstone wire beyond the 15 block limit. It tin can also delay the incoming point. The switch can be toggled past clicking it and has four settings from 0.1 to 0.4 seconds delay.
Redstone Torch Redstone Torch Redstone + Stick Sends a constant electric point. Can also be used equally a receiver/transmitter when connected to the side of a block. Emits a small corporeality of light.
Sticky Piston Sticky Piston Piston + Slimeball Pushes and pulls blocks and objects 1 space. Pulls the cake it is touching when retracted. Activated or controlled by redstone circuits.
Rock Button Stone Button Rock Sends an electrical indicate when pressed. The signal lasts for approximately i second.
Trapdoor Trapdoor Wood Planks Functions every bit a horizontal door just are simply 1x1 block in size. Can be activated by right-clicking it or with redstone.
Trapped Chest Trapped Chest Breast + Tripwire Claw Breast that sends out a bespeak when opened. Tin exist used to create traps.
Tripwire Hook Tripwire Hook Iron Ingot + Stick + Wood Plank Used to create a tripwire that activates a redstone point. You can hang a cord across a pair of hooks, and the tripwire volition be activated when someone runs beyond it.
Weighted Pressure Plates Weighted Pressure Plates Fe Ingots or Gilt Like to a normal pressure plate, but can only exist activated by items. The number of items determines the strength of the signal. Comes in 2 versions, a light (gold) and a heave (iron).
Wooden Button Wooden Button Wood Planks Sends an electric signal when pressed similar the stone button. The point lasts for approximately one second.

Food Recipes


Miscellaneous Recipes

Name Input > Output Ingredients Description
Bed Bed Wool + Wooden Planks Used to change time from night to twenty-four hour period. In SMP, all players in the Overworld must exist in beds. As well changes the spawn signal of the thespian, but compasses remains unaffected until you lot dice and respawn.
Book Book Paper + Leather Used to create book and quills, bookshelfs or an enchantment table.
Book and Quill Book and Quill Book + Inc Sac + Plume Books that players can write in, read and edit.
Carpet Carpet Wool Carpets are thin like pressure plates and can be used as floor decoration. The color of the wool determines the carpet color.
Cobblestone Wall Cobblestone Wall Cobblestone or Moss Stone Decorative block that acts in a like way to fences.
Ender Chest Ender Chest Obsidian + Heart of Ender Used for storage like normal chests. All contents of the chest are put into all Ender Chests created, which means they access the same storage. The contents are localised to the player in SMP. If the ender chest is destroyed, none of its contents will be
Eye of Ender Eye of Ender Ender Pearl + Blaze Powder Used to locate Strongholds, repair an End Portal bloc and craft Ender Chests. When thrown, they float towards the direction of a portal, which announced in strongholds. Afterward a few seconds, it will drib with a chance of breaking.
Debate Fence Sticks Used as a barrier that players and mobs cannot leap over, with the exception of spiders and spider jockeys. Information technology is 1½ blocks high for mobs and players, simply only one to other blocks.
Contend Gate Fence Gate Sticks + Wood Planks Fence gates serves as a door for a row of fences. They tin can be opened both inward and outwards. They are opened by right-clicking or with a redstone signal.
Burn down Charge Fire Charge Blaze Pulverisation + Coal + Gunpowder Burn Charges can exist used as a instead of flint and steel. Left click on an open area and a fire will outset. Can also be used as ammunition for dispensers, where they volition shot out as a fireball.
Firework Rocket Firework Rocket Gunpowder + Paper + Firework Star Firework that can be launched into the heaven and explore. Adding more gunpowder increases the elapsing of the rocket. Upwards to three gunpowder can be used. Multiple firework stars tin can also exist used, in which instance all will get off simultaneously when the rocket d
Firework Star Firework Star Gunpowder + Dye + Extra ingredient (optional) Used to create firework rockets. The dye determines the colour of the firework, and the extra ingredient determines a special effect. Extra ingredient can for case exist diamonds, gold nuggets or a mob caput.
Flower Pot Flower Pot Bricks Used as decoratives. Allows flowers, mushrooms, saplings, cacti, ferns and dead bushes to be placed in it.
Glass Panes Glass Panes Drinking glass Glass Panes is a cake that, tin be shaped in similar fashion to fences. Their placement beliefs is similar to Redstone, Atomic number 26 Confined, and Fences. They accept the same texture as Glass. They cannot currently be placed horizontally.
Gold Ingot Gold Ingot Gilded Nuggets Aureate is used in several crafting recipes, e.thou. tools and armors.
Atomic number 26 Bars Iron Bars Iron Ingots Similar to fences. They are only counted as 1 block high, instead of 1.5 blocks.
Item Frame Item Frame Sticks + Leather Used as decoration. Blocks or items tin be placed inside the frame past right clicking the frame with the item selected.
Ladder Ladder Sticks Used for climbing walls. You can climb either horizontally or vertically. To climb safely, you can sneak while climbing (hold shift).
Lead Lead Cord + Slimeball Leads or leashes, can be used to tie upwards non aggressive mobs. Can be tied to more than 1 unit of measurement at the same time.
Melon Block Melon Block Melon Slices Grown when farming by planting melon seed. Tin can not be eaten, but can be used to store melon slices.
Mineral Block Mineral Block Gold Ingots or Iron Ingost or Diamond Gems or Lapis Lazuli Dyes or Emeralds or Redstone or Coal Turns minerals into a placeable block. Tin can be used for expensive building block or storage.
Minerals Minerals Atomic number 26 Block or Gold Block or Diamond Cake or Emerald Block or Cake of Redstone or Lapis Lazuli Block. Separates a cake into individual gems, ingots or dyes.
Nether Brick Fence Nether Brick Fence Nether Bricks Used every bit a barrier that players and mobs cannot bound over, with the exception of spiders and spider jockeys. It is ane.5 blocks high for mobs and players, just only 1 to other blocks. Nether Brick Fence cannot be set on fire like wood contend.
Painting Painting Sticks + Wool Images used every bit ornamentation. Paintings can only be placed on flat, vertical surfaces. An easy way to get a painting to fill upwardly an area is to mark the bounds with any solid block and place information technology in the lesser left corner.
Paper Paper Sugar Pikestaff Used as crafting cloth to create maps, compass and books.
Sign Sign Wood Planks + Stick Can display a text. Text tin can be iv lines, 15 characters per line. To change the text, destroy the sign and place it again. Placed in the basis or on walls.
Stained Glass Stained Glass Glass + Dye Stained Glass is the dyed version of regular drinking glass that can exist used for ornamentation purposes.

Enchantment and Brewing Recipes


Dye Recipes


Wool Recipes


The guide is updated to Minecraft versions:
one.6.2, one.6.four,, ane.7.4, 1.7.8, 1.7.ten, 1.8, 1.viii.1, i.eight.8, one.9.0


How to Make a Cake Statue in Minecraft TUTORIAL

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